Monday, December 31, 2018

[Anime] My thoughts on Goblin Slayer

I swear if I hear the word goblin one more time I'm gonna shove my head in a trash compactor. But for real though I found this to be a surprisingly good anime. Good characters, nice animation, and action make this to be quite an enjoyable ride. It doesn't go out of its way to try to be any more then what it is. And what it does it does well. With a title like "Goblin Slayer" I wasn't expecting too much from this anime but what I got was something that left me feeling pretty good. GS don't try anything new that I haven't seen before and I'll probably forget about it later on but it'll be one of those anime that I can look back on and say that I'm glad I saw it.

It was interesting to see a fantasy anime that chose to focus on only one creature: Goblins. I thought that was pretty cool seeing as how these creatures are mostly shown as weak and used as cannon fodder for novice adventurers looking to gain experience. But this anime turns goblins into an actual threat and force to be dealt with. They are shown to have some intelligence and will learn from their mistakes so they can better deal with adventurers who are unprepared. Seeing the different goblin types was also pretty neat as it added a bit of variety throughout the show. I'm just hoping that they will expand more on these concepts if we do get a second season.

The characters in this anime are an alright cast. None of them have any proper names except for the name of the class they belong to. Their personalities are your basic fantasy archetypes and don't really change too much throughout the course of the show. Also, none of the characters have any complex backstories. The only one with any type of past is Goblin Slayer and is only given to us as a reason to show why he has such a disdain for goblins. 

The animation in this show is really good and the only gripe I have is the unnecessary CGI. Not that it's bad but rather it is so unnoticeable that I feel it was just a waste of money and resources in my opinion.   

The plot is pretty much non-existent. It's just about a man that kills goblins. Not much else. 

Well, I think I'm gonna end it here. There really isn't too much I can say about this anime seeing as how it really doesn't do much to make it a game changer. If you've seen any type of fantasy isekai-ish anime then this really isn't too different except that the main character wasn't transported to a different world and the story carries a more darker tone.

If you, for some reason, really hate goblins and want to see them get obliterated with extreme prejudice then this is the anime for you. Or if you just want to enjoy a dark fantasy but with none of the baggage that comes with it, you might also find some enjoyment in it too. 

Hope everyone has a safe and happy new year and I'll see you in the next post. Peace.             


Sunday, December 30, 2018

My New Years Resolutions for 2019 (Otaku Edition)

Seeing as how we only got one more day till the end of this year I'd figure I would share with all of you some of my goals for 2019:

1. Read more Manga.

I feel I should mention this one first because it's something that I feel I should do more of. I haven't been reading as much as I should be and to be honest I was never really into reading comic books anyway. Plus I'm more of an animation fan than anything but ever since I started picking up manga I've been really diggin it. I've just been slackin a little lately and I feel I need to catch up this upcoming year. I still have two series to finish catching up on then I can start on some new stuff. I might start that new Chainsaw Man manga.

2. Catching up on anime.

Again I've been slackin a bit this year and feel like I need to catch up especially with all the new stuff coming out next year. Some of the thing on my list include:

And plenty others. Plus it'll give me some new ideas for my blog which brings us to my last resolution for 2019:

3. Maintaining a consistent schedule.

If I want to secure a bright future for the longevity of this blog I need to maintain consistency. My plan right now to have at least one post every 1-3 days. Also, I want to start posting about different topics and stuff such as polls, first looks, news pieces, discussions and much more!! I want to this to be a place where I and others can freely express our thoughts, ideas, opinions, and concerns about things going on in otaku culture. So be sure to subscribe to this blog to stay updated on the latest news and posts.

Well, I think I'm gonna end it here. I didn't want this list to be too long plus I want my goals for 2019 to be reasonable and able to accomplish. I can't wait to see all the new shit coming out soon!! I hope everyone has a great and safe New Year and I'll see you in the next post. Peace.         


Thursday, December 27, 2018

[Manga][First Impression] Machigatta Ko wo Mahou Shoujo ni Shiteshimatta

So after finishing up the first issue, I'd figure I would give my two cents in on what I think, is a pretty nice twist on the mahou shoujo genre. "Machigatta Ko wo Mahou Shoujo ni Shiteshimatta" or "Machimaho: I Messed Up and Turned the Wrong Person Into a Magical Girl!" (I swear these long titles are really starting to wear on me) is something that is trying to break the mold of the traditional magical girl tropes...kinda.

While it does contain a lot of the things we are used to seeing when it comes to contemporary magical girl motifs Machimaho tries to take these elements and have fun with them. One of the major changes in this series is the fact that the MC who we are used to seeing as the perfect, well-rounded Mary Sue is now a foul-mouthed, cigarette smokin, delinquent. Majiba is the type of shoot first don't ask questions later anti-hero type who doesn't care who she has to hurt to get what she wants. Even with all that she still makes good grades in school and even protects her friends showing that she does have somewhat of a good heart and not just your typical stone-cold sociopath. I'm hoping that the author continues to flesh out her personality as the series continues.

The plot itself is really simple to follow. If you've read or seen any type of mahou shoujo series ever Machimaho's story pretty much follows the same formula for the most part which is fine for me because most of the focus seems to be more on the humor then any actual plot and man does it show. A lot of the jokes in just the first issue had my gut bustin. There was never really a dull moment and I'm hoping this streak continues for the rest of the series.

Overall from what I see right now, Machimaho is a type of WYSIWYG series. With a name like "I Messed Up and Turned the Wrong Person Into a Magical Girl!" you pretty much know what you're getting into. It knows what it's trying to do and I respect it for that. If you're looking for a satirical take on the magical girl formula then this is the manga for you. Even if you're not into the whole mahou shoujo thing I still recommend it just for the humor alone. 


Wednesday, December 26, 2018

[Anime] My Sister, My Writer [Review/Rant]

I sit hunched over this keyboard, eyes bloodshot, and on my second cup of coffee. My mind trying to cope with the cacophony of vexation coming from my monitor as I try to find the right words to describe what I'm witnessing. The only thing I can say is that it is soulless, thoughtless, and devoid of any humor so much so that watching my fingernails grow would've been more entertaining than having to sit through this pile of shit...

Four hours later...

Ore ga Suki wa Imouto dake... Actually, for the rest of this review and for the sake of my brain cells (however many are still remaining) I'm just gonna refer to it as "that imouto anime". "That imouto anime" is like your typical imouto anime but in all the worst ways possible. Adapted from the light novel series by a team of people clearly high on paint thinners, "that imouto anime" has the same appeal as a stale saltine. Poor animation, horrible characters, and nonsensical plot are only a few of the things "that imouto anime" does that makes me want to throw myself into the nearest oncoming traffic.

"That imouto anime" begins with Yuu and his little sister Suzuka who are both light novelist which immediately gave off Eromanga-sensei vibes except it's the sister who is the successful author. And whereas that show was actually decent and visually appealing this one was like watching a flaming propane truck crash into an orphanage.

After losing some light novel contest to his little sister Suzuka, Yuu for whatever reason takes her place as the author I guess to protect her reputation or some shit like that. Honestly, the plot so all over the place or non-existent at all that thinking about it makes my head hurt. Kiss x Sis had more of a story than this. The only tangible thing in this show that you would call a plot is that Suzuka tries to confess her love for her onii but because Yuu is so thickheaded bro passes it off as story ideas.

Yuu is like every male archetype in these types of anime except without any of the personality or humor. Watching him makes me physically hurt, like pissing razor wire. 

Suzuka is the only character that has what you could call a personality. If that personality happened to be a bipolar patient off their meds. Sometimes she a tsundere and other times she's deredere with a splash of dandere here and there. Just pick a fuckin character type and stick with it already.

The rest of the supporting cast doesn't fare any better. They're the most cookie cutter female archetypes I've ever seen in a harem. For supporting characters, they really don't do much supporting or development outside of sexually harassing our MC.

Even the ecchi scenes come off unappealing to the eyes due to the lackluster animation. It looks like an early 2000s anime but in all the wrong ways. Character movements are sometimes awkward and facial expressions give me that uncanny valley level of uneasiness. It looks like the cast is staring off into space half the time.

"That imouto anime" doesn't work on any level. It was created with the pure intent of pandering to the lowest common denominator. I could go into more detail but what's the point? If you've seen shows like "A Sister's All You Need", "I Don't Like You at All, Big Brother", "Oreimo" then this adds nothing new to the genre outside of causing pain and misery. It's no wonder why this is one of the worst animes of 2018. The only good thing I can say about this show is the opening and ending themes.

I hope that the people at NAZ and Magia Doraglier can pull themselves out of this one.         

Sunday, December 23, 2018

[Manga] Demon Slayer mini review

As I patiently wait for the next release of Koyoharu Gotouge's, Demon Slayer, I guess I should do a mini review of sorts. While I'm not a huge manga reader this one really got my attention.

Set in the Taisho period of Japan, Tanjiro Kamado, a young boy who supports his family through selling charcoal, returns home one day to find that his entire family has been slaughtered by a demon. The only surviving member of the attack is his sister Nezuko who has been turned into a demon herself. Now it is up to Tanjiro to find a way to restore his sister's humanity and avenge his family's death.

After finishing up the latest installment in the series I can only tell you is that I cannot be anymore excited for the next volume to come out. The art, pacing, story, and characters are all a satisfying treat to the senses that keep me hyped with each turn of the page. The tale of the powerless becoming the powerful are the type of stories that never get old to me. They're the type of stories that we can relate to and feel more connected with.

Along his way Tanjiro meets other characters that help him progress along his journey such as Sakonji Urokodaki, a master swordsmen, who takes in Jiro as his pupil to train him to be a demon slayer; Tamayo and Yushiro, two powerful demons that try to help him find a cure for Nezuko; and Zenitsu Agatsuma, another demon slayer and dimwit that accompanies Tenjiro along his quest.

Will Tenjiro find a way to cure Nezuko? Will his training be enough to stand against the even more powerful demons to come? These questions and more have been rattling in my brain as my mouth salivates over the next issue.

If you're into the swordsmen revenge story types then this is a manga that I wholeheartedly recommend. With only three volumes out in America, and an anime adaptation coming in April of next year, there should be no reason to pass up on a gem like this.

Well that's gonna do it for now. If there's anything that I could have elaborated more on or if you have a different opinion on the subject please let me know in the comment section. Your criticisms help me grow as a writer, so don't be afraid to let me know where I need improvement.

Peace to all✌     

Friday, December 21, 2018

I'm bad at introductions😩

I feel that my first post didn't really convey anything about myself other then that I'm just other person on the Internet that likes anime. Introductions aren't something I'm really good at, but I'm gonna try to explain everything to the best of my ability. I guess I should start with how I became a fan of Japanese animation.

To begin with I've only been watching anime hardcore for about 2 years. Before that I've only ever watched it if I was chillin with some homies or if a show really peaked my interest. As a child the only anime that I ever really watched were Pokemon and YuGiOh since they were two of the most popular shows on KidsWB at the time. You can see I don't have much of a history with it. If I had to say which anime got me jumpin on the otaku train that would have to go to Kill la Kill. The stunning art, high octane action, crazy characters, and setting all wrapped around one hell of a story line that had my adrenaline pumpin and my stomach hungering for more.

I've decided to start this blog so that I may share with you my thoughts and opinions and also as a way to enhance my already poor writing skills. I also see this as a opportunity to connect with other otaku who want to share their thoughts on the subject.

For now this blog is only gonna consist of post that are on things that pop into my head until I can get a proper schedule going. I really want to do Top 10's, first impressions, recommendations, and all sorts of other ideas I've got in my head.😆

Also if you want to suggest anything for me to watch or read don't be afraid to shoot me a message or leave it in the comment section. Who knows, it might end up as a discussion in a future post.

Well that's gonna be it for now. I hope this sums things up better then my last post. And if you're still reading this I want to thank you for taking the time and I hope to see you in the next post. Peace to all. ✌       

Thursday, December 20, 2018

First post...Let's not f*ck this up.

Let me say for starters that I'am in no way an expert on Anime, Manga or anything to do with Otaku culture. I've decided to start this blog so I may share my experiences in this ever growing phenomenon. I'm hoping this journey will help grow my love of anime and manga by connecting with others who share my passion.

[Anime][Review] [First Impression] Gotoubun no Hanayome

What is up, everybody? Today I wanted to take a look at an anime that I am finding to be a pretty nice addition to the harem genre, and afte...