To save time I'm just gonna tell you that the story in this anime is most cliche I've seen for a harem. It starts off with MC, Fuutarou Uesugi, your average covert nerd from every anime ever who somehow ends up becoming a tutor for five smokin hot chicks who all just so happen to be quintuplets. Not only are they all sisters, but they also just happen to belong to a wealthy family. This is good for Uesugi as he sees this tutoring gig as a way to make money to pay back debts he owes and also so he can feed his family. This is also bad for Uesugi because not only are these girls total idiots they are also extremely lazy and try anything to get out of studying.
Aside from the underwhelming story one of the things I really enjoyed from this anime is its characters. Honestly, it's hard for me to select my favorite waifu right now although I am feeling a strong Miku vibe. That's how good the character development in this harem is. Each of the protagonists has their own unique personalities that make their character very likable. Also, the amount of screen time each character gets is a plus as it gives equal development to all the main cast.
The art design in TQQ is admirable. Each of the character designs perfectly matches each of our main protags personalities which I'll give them points for that.
Sound was something I didn't find too appealing. The opening and closing themes are alright but the voice acting was really good and was something I enjoyed.
Overall I think this is a pretty damn good anime so far. If you're looking for something fun to pass the time or you're looking for a good harem to watch then this is something you don't want to pass up.
See you in the next post. Peace.
Also be sure to click the link below to check out my homie over at Time's Up Entertainment. He hosts a series call Anime 101 where he breaks down the synopsis of two different anime. Go check it out if you're looking for something you haven't seen yet.